
Gracious Words

2013 Newsletter from Pastor Chan’s Family 陳國添牧師2013年家庭年信

Pastor Tim Chan (陳國添牧師) 翻譯: 黃耘 (TRANSLATED BY DAISY HUANG)

Dear Friends of the Chan family:

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I do want to send out this family yearly letter to friends and associates of our family. Since Linda is now with the Abba Father, I have to take up this role of communicating with the world how God has shown us His path, His wisdom and His grace in 2013.Pastor Chan 2013 newsletter-2-vacation

Tim continues to see the heart of God in discipleship making. One highlight was to visit a Korean church gifted and burdened with Discipleship Training. 20+ people joined a weekend tour in March and learnt much about the nature and the call of church through intentional mentoring and equipping. Tim enjoyed meeting some Chinese pastors during the conference and even dined with the Senior Pastor of Sarang Church. Our annual trip to Southern California in summer drew us much closer as a family. With the addition of our pet Patches, we became one busy family, even during vacation.Pastor Chan 2013 newsletter-4-Linda's parents

One exciting part in 2013 is to see Linda’s parents move to Elk Grove after many years of living in the windy and snowy Midwest. Tim remembered the time helping them set up the sprinkler system and hook up the new phone system. Now, they are much closer to us, within a few minutes walking distance.

Linda continued to enjoy leading young ladies’ DT group, sharing new songs with others, leading worships and most of all,  enjoyed being a woman whom God loved. Tim and Linda continued to keep up the time of prayerful communions several times a week, reaching to the throne of grace through early prayer. Linda cared for the house of the Lord the same way she cared for her home, with the same dedication and love to kids.

Linda was a super mom.

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Both Linda and Tim did ministry together. They took time to nurture QT groups and two sessions of DT. Linda was always ready to participate in the DT sharing and pray for their growth. In October, Linda and Tim took a trip to Asia. Linda took time to complete some recording projects in Malaysia and Tim took time to teach in Malaysia and visited several churches in Korea to learn more of God’s work and His ministry.Pastor Chan 2013 newsletter-6-food

Needless to say, Tim and Linda took time to taste many different kinds of food.

On the Asian trip, Tim and Linda felt His great presence. They began to enjoy church life more, visiting churches, fellowshipping with them and experienced a surge of spiritual revival.

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Tim continued to serve at CG. Tim preached five times a month and led meetings througout the year. To see the seed being planted in the soil for future leaders and ministry team was the most enjoying moment in 2013.

Words from Wesley:

“This year I have become more active in my college fellowship CCF. I am now a worship leader/coordinator in CCF and the Chinese church I attend. I  also leads a bible study in the fellowship as well.Pastor Chan 2013 newsletter-8-Wesley

I still love to eat a lot of food, play computer games and work out at the gym. I  have discovered the difficulties in cooking which ultimately amounted to the fire alarm in my apartment going off. I am finally washing dishes and doing laundry at college. I have become more firm in my  faith in God and keeps up with his QT.

I am now taking upper division classes this quarter.   “

 -Wesley Chan

Words from Stephanie:

“My senior year has been very good so far. I have definitely learned a lot while trying to get college apps done while doing homework and late night band rehearsals. I have definitely learned to lean on God more when I am feeling weak or stressed. God is truly the strength of my heart and there is nothing else that is like His strength and encouraging words. Recently, I learned to have a true hunger and appreciation for devotions when my mom died. I learned to cling to His word and let that be my foundation of my life. The Word of God satisfies more than the worldly things of this world ( this I learned too). By God’s grace, I was able to send college apps to the schools I wanted to apply to and already got accepted to Azusa Pacific, Fresno State, Sacramento State, and Humboldt State.   I’m really happy to get accepted to Fresno and Azusa.

The marching band season ended off on a good note; the parents gave Pastor Chan 2013 newsletter-9-Stephaniethe seniors a special table set up and gave us glow stick necklaces, popcorn, and scarfs. And I’m glad that my mom was able to walk with me on senior night during the last football game. I’m thankful for the lessons that my mom left behind for us and that she sacrificed so much for us and for the ministries at church. She was kind and wise, always giving. We will miss her a lot.”

            -Stephanie Chan


For Esther, I prefer that you read her handwritten note…(Click Here) Esther’s Handwritten Letter

“Yes, it has been a tough year for us. God is ultimately in our hearts even though we have not been able to understand God’s ultimate plan for us. We know Linda was taken from us for God shows her a better place. We all miss her as a prayer warrior, a great wife, a loving mom and a treasure in His eyes.”

[Faith is trusting God even if you don’t have miracles, deliverances, cures out of the difficult situation. But it’s trusting that God’s love and presence will shield, strengthen and help us through the situation, just as He helped so many before and now. Lord, help me, I am such a woman of little weak faith,  I am so choked by anxiety…Lord, help me to give You control in every area of my life, that You be Lord over all my worries, knowing that this life I’m just passing through to the beautiful grand eternal/forever life with You.] By Linda @8/16/2003

Till that Day,

Tim, Wesley, Stephanie and Esther


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我在此寄出我們每年的家庭年信給各位。 Linda已經回到阿爸天父懷中,我必須接任她與各位聯絡交通的角色,將2013年上帝彰顯給我們的他的道路、智慧和恩典傳達給各位。

陳牧師的話:   Tim繼續感受到上帝在門徒培訓方面的心意。 2013年值得一提的,就是到韓國教會參觀他們極為投入且很有能力的門徒培訓。三月期間約有20多位弟兄姐妹參加了這個活動,我們學習觀摩了這家教會呼召和如何指導和裝備門徒。 Tim很高興在會議期間見了幾位華人牧師,還和Sarang教會主任牧師同進晚餐。我們每年夏季到南加州的這個參觀活動,使我們一家更加親密。有我們的狗狗Patches之後,休假期間也更加熱鬧了。

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2013 年間, 令人快慰的是Linda師母的父母終於從居住了多年,冬季風雪交加的中西部搬到了Elk Grove。 Tim還記得幫他們組建好花園裡自動噴水系統和安裝新電話。現在他們住在我們附近,走幾分鐘就到。

Linda繼續帶領年輕姐妹門徒培訓小組,與他人分享新的歌曲,帶領崇拜,但是更多的是成為上帝喜悅的姐妹。 Tim和Linda繼續每週幾次的與神禱告相交,清晨到神的施恩寶座前禱告。 Linda照顧神的家如同照顧她自己的家一樣,同樣無私地奉獻自己愛孩子。 Linda實在是一個超級媽媽!

Linda和Tim共同服事​​。他們抽時間帶領QT小組和兩堂門徒培訓。 Linda總是預備好參與門徒培訓的分享和為他們的成長而禱告。十月間Linda和Tim到了亞洲旅行。 Linda在馬來西亞抽時間完成了錄音項目,而Tim則在馬來西亞教導並一起到了韓國訪問幾家教會,以學習神的事工。

不消說,Tim和Linda在旅程中也品嚐了不同的食物。這次亞洲之行,Tim 和Linda都感到神大大同在。他們更加享受教會生活,參觀教會,與他們團契,得到很大靈命復興。

Tim繼續服事華人恩典聖經教會,他每月講道5次,主持帶領整年的會議。 2013 年最令他欣慰的是播種培育未來的領袖和事工團隊。

Wesley 的話:



Stephanie 的話 :

我高中的課程現在進行得還不錯。晚上的樂隊訓練、準備功課和申請大學等等使我很忙,但也讓我學習很多,尤其學習到如何在軟弱和困難的時候更多地依靠神。上帝是我心裡的力量,他的力量和話語是任何世上的事都無可比的。最近母親的過世,使我學習到真正渴慕每日靈修,並緊緊抓住祂的話語,使祂的話語成為我的生活根基。上帝的話比世上任何東西都可以滿足我(我也學到這個功課)。因著神的恩典,我能夠申請到我想要去的大學。目前接受我的有:Azusa Pacific, Fresno 州立大學,Sacramento州立大學,和Humboldt 州立大學。我很高興被Fresno州大和Azusa 大學接收。



從一月到五月,我都在7年級。我七年級的學業和家庭功課以及成績都沒大問題。上帝在這方面一直很祝福我。夏季來臨的時候,我做了好幾件事。我每天睡到10點,很明顯媽媽對此不太高興,因為:「即使是在夏季裡,你也不要忘記要每日靈修啊。」她總是強調清晨與神相交的靈修。我們教會所舉辦的活動VBS – 就是暑期兒童聖經班,從學前班到六年級孩子都可以參加。這個活動有一週,備有遊戲、手工、教導和背誦聖經經文。我和幾個朋友在手工部。因為這是我第一年來幫忙,所以沒有什麼經驗。我們做了紙的假髮、獅子麵具和紙皮的劍。在準備的那幾週和舉行活動的那一週裡,我覺得非常疲憊。但是上帝給我每天足夠的精力。這是我夏天最精彩的活動吧。


開學後我進入了8年級。功課雖然多了,但是壓力還可以承受。 8年級開始到12 月之間似乎都蠻輕鬆的。每天放學後回家做一系列例行的事,和狗狗玩、吃飯和睡覺。這就是我的生活例行事情。


我在學校那天最後一段時間被叫出去,我絞盡腦汁也記不起有醫生或牙醫約診。我姐姐Stephanie 和教會成員Byron 在學校辦公室裡等我。我們將東西放回家,我發現家裡空無一人,父母都不在家。往常媽媽待在家,爸爸週一休息。我這才意識到事情不妙。我發現我們在奔往醫院的途中。我一次又一次地禱告著。


接下來的一週充滿了忙亂。弟兄姐妹們給我們帶來食物,一些家庭來和我們禱告。親戚和朋友都從外州來。葬禮在接下來的一週舉行。所有一切都一晃而過。許多人來安慰我們,但是我的心並不能完全因此而得到安慰。上帝幫助我戰勝悲哀。我感到祂是唯一一位真正能理解我所經歷的一切。上帝是美好的,祂愛我。現在聖誕節已過,我和我家庭以及上帝的關係都在成長。上帝無論是在人生暴風雨中,還是平靜之中,都是美好的。這一年給我帶來極大的快樂和深深的悲哀,但是我要說,上帝是充滿恩典的,祂會在2014年與我同在。 “帶著感恩的心感謝。”

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「信心就是相信上帝,即使你在困境中沒有經歷神蹟、救助和醫治。但是上帝的愛和同在會保護、堅固和幫助我們走出困境,這是我們要堅信不移的,正如祂以前和現在幫助我們一樣。主啊,幫助我,我是小信的婦人,我為焦慮所困擾,請你使我讓您掌控生活中每一方面,掌管我的所有擔憂,我知道這一生短暫我必走過,到達永恆美麗與你同在的永生。」 2003年8月16日(Linda師母的日誌)



Tim, Wesley, Stephanie and Esther

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