The Sufficiency of Christ: Our Finished SalvationCategory: English / Speaker: Pastor Tranwei YuLISTEN MORE
興起, 興起, 一同興起!(粤) – 招志明牧師Category: Cantonese / Speaker: Guest SpeakerLISTEN MORE
同心建造神的家(17) 快聽慢說慢動怒(國) – 葉向明傳道Category: Mandarin / Speaker: Pastor Daniel YeLISTEN MORE
The Sufficiency of Christ: The Fullness of DeityCategory: English / Speaker: Pastor Tranwei YuLISTEN MORE
當不知怎麼做的時候(粤) – 招世超牧師Category: Cantonese / Speaker: Guest SpeakerLISTEN MORE