Preparing for the Spiritual PowerCategory: English / Speaker: Pastor Andy ChingLISTEN MORE
委身教會共成長(4)恒切禱告(國) – 葉向明牧師Category: Mandarin / Speaker: Pastor Daniel YeLISTEN MORE
心靈開放,領受主道(粤) – 何啟明牧師Category: Cantonese / Speaker: Guest SpeakerLISTEN MORE
神爱的完全彰显(國) – 于淳威牧師Category: Mandarin / Speaker: Pastor Tranwei YuLISTEN MORE
The 10 Commandments (pt. 2): Loving GodCategory: English / Speaker: Pastor Tranwei YuLISTEN MORE
愛中建立(一):愛在祂沒保留(粤) – 程國儀牧師Category: Cantonese / Speaker: Pastor Andy ChingLISTEN MORE
The 10 Commandments (pt.1): The Grace of the LawCategory: English / Speaker: Pastor Tranwei YuLISTEN MORE
委身教會共成長(3)虔守聖餐(國) – 葉向明牧師Category: Mandarin / Speaker: Pastor Daniel YeLISTEN MORE
完全父親的兒女當堅忍(粤) – 于淳威牧師Category: Cantonese / Speaker: Pastor Tranwei YuLISTEN MORE
The Royal Priesthood of All BelieversCategory: English / Speaker: Pastor Tranwei YuLISTEN MORE