That I May Dwell in Their MidstCategory: English / Speaker: Pastor Tranwei YuLISTEN MORE
站在神的一方(粤) – 倫思學牧師Category: Cantonese / Speaker: Guest SpeakerLISTEN MORE
合神心意的妻子–愛的扶助(1)(國) – 葉向明牧師Category: Mandarin / Speaker: Pastor Daniel YeLISTEN MORE
愛心建立的誠信(粤) – 程國儀牧師Category: Cantonese / Speaker: Pastor Andy ChingLISTEN MORE
Covenant and CommunionCategory: English / Speaker: Pastor Tranwei YuLISTEN MORE
合神心意的丈夫(3)愛的領導(國) – 葉向明牧師Category: Mandarin / Speaker: Pastor Daniel YeLISTEN MORE
從聖潔而來的喜樂(粤) – 于淳威牧師Category: Cantonese / Speaker: Pastor Tranwei YuLISTEN MORE
合神心意的丈夫(2)愛的領導(國) – 葉向明牧師Category: Mandarin / Speaker: Pastor Daniel YeLISTEN MORE
Promised Blessing in the Promised LandCategory: English / Speaker: Pastor Tranwei YuLISTEN MORE
合一路上同長進(粤) – 程國儀牧師Category: Cantonese / Speaker: Pastor Andy ChingLISTEN MORE