辛立牧師從另外一個角度探討本期主題。他提到「我們珍惜『起初的愛心』,離不開經歷和明白『被愛的事實』;也離不開在接受別人的愛心之後,正確回饋、持守同樣的愛。」他用路加福音10: 25-37來闡釋這個「被愛的事實」和我們應有的省思,立論鏗鏘有力,別有洞見,非常值得讀者細讀。
恩言訪問了教會長青團契的巫慶朗長老,林民柱弟兄,程長龍弟兄和李威鳳姊妹,請他們談談服事常碰到的瓶頸: 愛心漸漸失去。巫長老提醒我們「對神有真正的認識,這才是事奉的原動力」;林民柱弟兄說,忙碌的現代社會,個人各顧各的事,也容易造成愛心冷淡。程長龍弟兄和李威鳳姊妹不約而同提到「屬靈同伴鼓勵」的重要,因為「孤單的柴火容易熄滅」。他們的經驗和觀察值得我們省思。
這位從台灣校園歌曲風行時代即創作出無數膾炙人口歌曲的音樂創作者,他的歌「起初的愛」告白他疊宕起伏的人生以及生命中場認識了神的愛 。誠如作者所言: 因為這首歌,是他回到起初,在基督的愛裡完成的。
【From the English Editor】
A Look Back: An Idea Conceived, A Magazine Born
It is amazing how God works through His children’s passion and gifts, conceives an idea within their soul, and gives birth to ministries that bless others.
【Guest Feature】
This heavenly blessing prompted James to write, “Religion that is pure and undefiled before God the Father is this: to visit orphans and widows in their affliction” (James 1:27).
【Special Feature】
The imperfect couple learns to love like their perfect Maker, God Himself, who unconditionally and sacrificially seeks the interest of his wicked and ungrateful bride.
【Special Feature】
Jason Bourne, Steve Jobs, and Jesus
But the children of Adam and Eve have forgotten their identity, so they have lost their purpose, too.
【Kinship Corner】
My Experience with the Seniors
Their loyalty convicts me of my own selfishness and laziness; how I, though physically able, sometimes choose not to give time and priority to encourage others.
【Living Faith】
I've come to realize that this yearning for God does not come from a place of emptiness, such as needing something from God or an emptiness of hardly knowing Him.
【Living Faith】
Nobody But You: A Devotional Reflection
Six months after my husband passed away, the loneliness haunted me so strongly. I was like a lost island.
【Mission Around the World】
Once the center of worldwide mission, England is now in need of missionaries to point her back to a living God.
【Mission Around the World】
Experiencing Mexico Outreach: Memories from Two Participants
It’s good to take a step back and give God the control so that He can do His work… regardless of language barrier or cultural differences, all people redeemed by God’s grace are His children!
【Book Review】
In Praise of Praise: An Author’s Guide to Loving Through Words
Christians might avoid praising others for fear of engendering pride. But the Bible gives God-centered praise to people, and we can, too.