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January 2018


Mexico Outreach Team (MOT) Training

Mexico Outreach Team (MOT) Training

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May 2018


Missions Sharing

Andy & Janie Henry are one of the missionaries that our church supports. They have been involved in winning people to Christ on college campuses in the US, East Asia and online through Internet ministry. Come and hear from them. Andy 和Janie Henry是我們教會支持的眾宣教士中之二。他們參與在美國、東亞的校園中為基督贏回人心的事工中,以及在互聯網上的事工。邀請大家一起來聽他們的分享,請踴躍參加。

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Missions Sharing 2

Andy & Janie Henry are one of the missionaries that our church supports. They have been involved in winning people to Christ on college campuses in the US, East Asia and online through Internet ministry. Come and hear from them. Andy 和Janie Henry是我們教會支持的眾宣教士中之二。他們參與在美國、東亞的校園中為基督贏回人心的事工中,以及在互聯網上的事工。邀請大家一起來聽他們的分享,請踴躍參加。

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February 2019


Ecuador Short Term Missions 厄瓜多爾短宣

EST2019 information meeting will be Sunday, Feb 24th and March 10th at 11:30am in E7. Come find out more information about our short term trip to Ecuador this year! Dates for EST are July 12-28, 2019. Deadline for application is March 15th. Please contact Jannie or Eddie Chow for more information. 英文部厄瓜多爾短宣定於7/12-28。有負擔者請參加2/24或3/10早上11:30在 E7的資訊會議,3/15報名截止。 任何詢問可連絡Jannie/Eddie Chow。

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April 2019


Missions Sharing 宣教分享

Come and hear from Hannah Law about her medical missions in Bangladesh. She will be sharing during this Wednesday’s prayer meeting (4/3) from 7:00-7:45pm at E11-12. Hannah Law將於本週三 (4/3)禱告會7:00-7:45在教育樓樓下分享在孟加拉國的醫療宣教事工,請踴躍參加。

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October 2019


Missions Fair 宣教展覧

Check out our Missions Fair Sunday morning (10/27) at the courtyard to learn more about what God has done and is doing among the nations, as well as how you can get involved. There will also be chances to win missions prizes in the raffle! 主日(10/27)早上在教會庭院將有宣教展覧,讓你了解更多有關神在各民族中所成就的工作,還有正在進行的事工及如何參與的信息。此外,你將有機會抽獎贏得宣教獎品!

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November 2019


Missions Sharing 宣教分享(Mandarin國語)

Operation Dawn Missions team sharing with Rev. Simon Lau (Mandarin) is scheduled coming Friday (11/1) at 7:30pm in the Sanctuary. 本週五(11/1)晚上7:30pm在教會大堂有劉民和牧師晨曦會團隊宣教分享(國語),請踴躍參加!

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October 2022


差傳 – 劉嘉禮宣教士夫婦分享 (粵語)

美國中信駐秘魯宣教士 主力發展年青事工, 培養新一代屬靈領袖   10/22 週六下午五至六時 - 網上/實體(教育樓下)同步進行 Join Zoom Meeting: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/82211971890 Meeting ID: 822 1197 1890

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差傳年會: 舉目望田, 收割莊稼 (粵語) – 陳啟猷牧師

  10/28 週五晚 (7:30-9:00) 只限網上Zoom 型式 華傳的余雋禧(Kenny Yu)宣教士將與我們分享。只限網上Zoom 型式。鼓勵弟兄姊妹參加。 Zoom連結 - https://us02web.zoom.us/j/456631750?pwd=dTVyakdlM1dqcWlCT3hkWllrblhwUT09 Meeting ID: 456631750     PW密碼: 079553 10/29 週六下午 (四時, 七時) 教會和 YouTube 下午四時: 陳啟猷牧師將與我們分享 (擴大你的屬靈視野 - 我要能看見) 馬可福音 10:46-52 教會 或 YouTube: https://youtu.be/HvIKBpUI5HM 晚上七時: 陳啟猷牧師將與我們分享 (舉目望田, 收割莊稼 - 我要順服神) 約翰福音 4:31-38 教會 或 YouTube: https://youtu.be/aVVHzMwn8Jw

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