
Gracious Words

Take It to the Lord in Prayers

Xue Mei Chen / Translated by: James Lim

Brothers and sisters, peace be with you.

雪媚My name is Chen Xue Mei. I was born in the Guangdong province. Growing up in Mainland China, I was raised to accept an educational system based entirely on atheism. I’m so thankful to our Lord God for bringing me to the United States! His providence led me to meet a Christian sister named Cheng Bin. She brought me to Chinese Grace Bible Church. With her constant guidance and encouragement, I finally professed my commitment prayer to accept Christ as my personal savior with her as my witness. Brothers and sisters, every time we gather together to worship God, I feel so much warmth and joy.

When I first came to the United States in 2015, I had a minimal knowledge of the English language. I had no close friends but plenty of family issues and relational problems. I felt lonely and helpless to the point where I seldom went out. I became very depressed and would fill my days with brooding and crying. Since I started attending the worship services in this church, I have felt His presence in my life. I have found God and I seek to know Him even more each day. With the assurance that I can always bring my burdens to the Lord, I don’t feel lonely anymore. I pray whenever I am afraid, lonely or helpless. I pray that God will let His will in me to take its course. I know that there is a God who loves and cares for me. John 3:16 tells us, “For God so loved the world that he gave his one and only Son, that whoever believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life”.

I am so happy to be right here, right now! And I know that with His blessings, more bliss and joy will surely follow me for the rest of my life. Today, with you as my witnesses, I accept the Lord Jesus Christ as my personal Savior. As a lifelong commitment, I will follow Him and love Him. I will also glorify the Lord’s name by being a channel of His love to all my friends. To everyone present here, thank you!

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