
Gracious Words

God’s Miraculous Guidance

Jiang Ping

More than a year ago, I moved to the Sacramento area. I had just emigrated from China to the United States. Everything was quite strange and unfamiliar. Even the simple chore of shopping posed a big challenge. This helplessness would often put me in a very bad mood. Then one day, I met a friend who expressed her desire to accompany me to a Christian church. At the time, I did not have any inkling as to what a church looks like. Although I had never heard of Jesus Christ while growing up in China, I agreed to go with her anyhow.

蔣萍Upon entering the church, I was overcome by a feeling I had never experienced in my life. I was surrounded by people distinctly different from those I’ve met before. Their hearts were filled with genuine love. With open arms, they helped me willingly, not expecting anything in return. A sister named Jenny often goes out of her way to help me. I was overwhelmed by her kindness and felt a need to reciprocate. She would always remind me, “No need to thank me. I’m just doing my part as a Christian. All our blessings come from God. We must direct all thanksgiving to our Lord Jesus Christ.”

Moreover, my church friends taught me how to pray. When I am not prayerful or at a loss for words, they would pray with me or intercede for me. I encountered numerous difficulties after I filed immigration papers for my daughter in China. The application process dragged on without much hope in sight. I was beset with anxiety as she was not getting any younger. Throughout the entire process, many sisters in Christ kept up with their persistent prayers. They offered me words of comfort and reassurance. We often prayed together and soon amazing things began to happen. Every time we prayed together, a roadblock would be removed. Miraculously, our obstacles were being overcome one after another. We even used WeChat to pray over the internet as my daughter’s paper works went through the intricate and convoluted process. Finally, her petition was approved! Praise the Lord! She is now here with me in the US.

I joined the Mandarin Seekers’ class on Sunday mornings. As my teachers patiently explained the biblical principles of salvation, I began to understand God’s love and the power of His Word. God also confirmed
these truths through many personal encounters. I continually experience God’s faithfulness through the loving Christians around me. He also affirms His presence through my daily prayers.

Please allow me to share a Bible verse I love. John 4:24 states, “God is spirit, and his worshipers must worship in the Spirit and in truth.” This morning, I wish to express my utmost thankfulness to God for granting me His saving grace through Jesus Christ’s death on the cross. From now on, I will yield my whole life and submit it completely to God’s sovereignty. I pledge to walk together with my brothers and sisters on the path of righteousness towards our Heavenly Father. I resolve to show God’s love to others, so that many more will come to know Him. Thank you all for listening to my baptismal testimony.

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