
Gracious Words

Desire Mercy

Clement Yu

Hi, my name is Clement Yu. I am 14 years old and a high school freshman. I was brought to Chinese Grace Bible Church (CGBC) at the age of 3 months old and have been raised by a Christian family.

Before I became a Christian, my personal goals were do well in academics, go to a good college, get a degree, and have a good job. The members and church life at CGBC caused me to consider a relationship with Jesus Christ. I knew that to have a relationship with Christ, I needed to accept the fact that Jesus died on the cross for all our sins and rose on the third day after death, and also to be his disciple.

Before I became a Christian, I heard 余健朗that a Christian has to follow Jesus Christ and do good deeds. Unfortunately, I ran away from God by having arguments with other kids and a lot of pride in myself. As I got older, I attended Teen in God Services Fellowship (TIGS). I realized that I was a sinner and deserved to go to hell. The TIGS sponsors helped me to grow my spiritual life and strengthen my relationship with Christ.

As I got to high school, I knew that it was time to change myself. I used to be prideful and focus on money and fame. Now I realize that I am a sinner. This changed me from a boy who was lost to a boy who has found the right way. We all deserve to go to hell because we all have sin, but Jesus is merciful. He died for us on the cross for our sins and was raised on the third day after death.

Clement YuA few years before, I was on the side of the Satan. Now, I believe that I am on the side of the Gospel. When I was around 12 or 13, I made the decision to be one of Jesus’ disciples. One of the verses I found to be helpful was Matthew 9:13, “But go and learn what this means: I desire mercy, not sacrifice. For I have not come to call the righteous, but sinners. I desire mercy, not sacrifice.”

Once I was invited Christ in my life, I was aware that I needed to wake up and spread the Gospel. In the summer of 2017, I served in Vacation Bible School (VBS) and regularly attend and share my faith in Christian Youth Fellowship (CYF). Instead of not listening to the pastors’ messages on Sundays like I used to, I now pay attention to the pastors’ messages and have become more serious in the Gospel.

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