【From the English Editor】
Living in extremes is a dangerous thing. But should "moderation in all things" be the motto for the Christian life?
【特別邀稿】Guest Feature
神啊,我的心切慕祢,如鹿渴慕溪水。我的心渴想 神,就是永生 神。我幾時得朝見 神呢?… 我的心啊,你為何憂悶?為何在我裡面煩躁?應當仰望 神,因我還要稱讚祂,祂是我臉上的榮光,是我的 神!
【特別邀稿】Guest Feature
Rediscovering The Holiness Of God
Looking at God's attributes through the crown jewel of His holiness puts endless luster and greatness into our understanding of every other attribute of God. We might say ... that His holiness amplifies all His attributes with meaning.
【特別邀稿】Guest Feature
若眾人都有同一目標,雙管齊下地在教會及個人的家,都學習如何凡事尋求主的心意,尊主為大,實踐約書亞的臨別遺訓: 「至於我和我家,我們必事奉耶和華。」教會是天父的家,是主耶穌要設立的家的影響力,必然無可限量。
【特別邀稿】Guest Feature
【特別企劃】Special Feature
Reversing Burnout, Restoring Joy!
Are you losing your joy? Feeling burned out? In need of renewal? How can you get back on the path to renewal and joy?
【新人心語】Faith Professed: Baptismal Testimonies
【新人心語】Faith Professed: Baptismal Testimonies
因著我的生命由 神掌管,不像過去的友誼或電動遊戲, 神從未讓我失望。也因著 祂,我找到生命的目標和喜樂。
【新人心語】Faith Professed: Baptismal Testimonies
現在回想當年那根木頭,不正是象徵耶穌救人的代表嗎?耶穌不正是為了我們的罪被釘死在木頭上成就了 神的救恩嗎?
【新人心語】Faith Professed: Baptismal Testimonies
我學會如何應用聖經中的話語在我自己的生命中,聖經也幫助我更清楚地了解生活的目的是要服事 神。
【新人心語】Faith Professed: Baptismal Testimonies
【新人心語】Faith Professed: Baptismal Testimonies
【雲彩見證】Cloud of Witness
我們平常的教育、訓斥和督促孩子,如果選擇在適當的時間、場合、對象和語氣,其效果是以多少倍來計算的。Relationship(關係) 勝過一切。
【雲彩見證】Cloud of Witness
【團契生活】Kinship Corner
Body Life: Growing in Community
We are committed to growing and working out our faith in the context of our marriages, parenthood, and our families.
【團契生活】Kinship Corner
Encourage one another. Love one another. Instruct one another. It’s what the Bible teaches us believers to do.
【信仰與生活】Living Faith
After Kenna: A Story of Grief and Spiritual Renewal
I never doubted God’s existence. But I doubted his goodness.
【信仰與生活】Living Faith
【宣教腳蹤】Missions Around the World
But beyond the worship, this diverse, missional and evangelistic conference means that those attending Urbana are reminded that being part of a body of believers means paying attention to all parts of the body.
【宣教腳蹤】Missions Around the World
At the end of the day, the short-term trip itself is just one piece of the puzzle; one piece of the broader picture; one piece of the long-term plan that God has for the local church, the team members, and the community the team serves.
【宣教腳蹤】Missions Around the World
Looking back at the journal entries during my time in Ecuador, I now recognize that God was preparing and teaching me that He is enough.
【服事寫真】Ministry News
It is our goal as a men’s ministry to provide a means for the men of CGBC to grow in their faith, pursue vital relationships with other men, and become disciple leaders.