
Gracious Words


Pastor Timothy Chan

Many ridicule the Christian faith as too idealistic. Some dismiss the Bible as untrue and fictitious.  Christians read the Bible and find this to be the word of God that instructs and encourages the hearts of believers.

Many read the Scripture and stop at the mind.  Some read the Scripture and dwell in the feeling.  Not many are courageous enough to see the Word of God as the authoritative interpretation of everything from the body to the soul, from the mind to the emotion, from relationships to daily life decisions. In fact, the greatest temptation about reading the Scripture is to refuse the Word and halt the power to transform and renew our lives. Take the case of Bethsheba, it is good script for a Hollywood movie and that the whole idea of Bethsheba is not explored beyond a historical figure. Indeed, the Scripture points to something much deeper.

Who is the woman that causes the downfall and demise of David? Bathsheba.Yes this is the wife of Uriah that triggers a downward spin of his kingship. I would say that anyone or anything that deflects God’s intended purpose in us can be Bathsheba. Let’s journey to the matter of the heart. What is the message behind Bethsheba? Is her the stumbling block of David? Is she a seducer? Or is she a distraction to King David?

King David isn’t living to fulfill God’s intended purpose anymore. If King David exegetes his geopolitical context well, he should have taken advantage of the springtime to mobilize his troops to consolidate his military positions and even should have launched his military campaigns to push back the enemies. Instead, he sends his men to war while he remains in Jerusalem. Lessons learnt can be lessons applied to us. King David’s adultery and subsequent downfall resembles the trail markers of any Christians who stray away from the purpose and calling from God. Temptation will not wear a T shirt with a warning sign. It sure has the power to lead one away from the path of Christian living.  Christians can quickly descend into temptation if we are not keeping or monitoring our pulses of life for Him.

Bathsheba was bathing. The main point is not about a woman bathing but a wandering heart. Isn’t it how temptation starts? How much are we in focus with the will of God and how much are we allowing too much of “me” in interpreting His will–my mood, my preference and my choice? It is therefore imperative to pause and seek God’s will by examining our behaviors. Are we allowing too much of ourselves into God’s settled will?

Uriah is a warning sign. Temptation comes but God gives warning. During WWII, the aerial bombardment of London by the German warplanes was first warned with sirens mounted high up in buildings around London. Some are mounted at the steeples of churches. The road to destruction has many warning signs. Similarly, God gives three warnings to David. However, King David is too much into this perilous road that he misses all the warning signs. ( Cf. 2 Sam 11:1-17)

King David sets up a water-proof plan to make sure he can hide behind all suspicions and doubts. He takes the first step, urging his soldier Uriah to stay home to cover up the pregnancy. It does not work.

He then takes on the second attempt. He delays a military deployment to make sure the he would fall into it again… this time with him inducing Uriah into drunkenness.

Still, it does not work.

He finally took a more involved role in the plot to kill Uriah in the battlefield. It works, but it all reveals in the Scripture how vile he is.

We gather again and again in history that hiding is a “response” of sins and guilt. Am I exempt from it? I dare not so.

David hides it behind plots and cover-ups. Just like King David, some hide behind righteousness; others hide behind good works. Some still hide behind formality, but none can go through without coming to the Lord.

Temptations come in many forms and ways: a deflection of the heart, a mindless exploration, a hidden self-righteous agenda, an undealt element of lust, a self will, or a justified act based on selfishness. What causes a big downfall is the unchecked motivation behind our actions.

God’s word is Spirit-breathed. The word also penetrates to reveal our motives and our errors. Let’s take on His word seriously and keep watch on one another in the path toward maturity and spiritual growth.

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One Comment

  1. M. M. says:

    Should men be content? Should men only accept what’s given and refuse what’s NOT being given? The “will-power” is in Men but without God’s intercept their thought many temptations can happen.

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