
Gracious Words

Logic and Decency – A Response to Gender Matters

Pastor Adrian Lim


I would like to qualify what I have to say with what Paul said in 1 Corinthians 7:12, in his instructions on marriage, “To the rest I say this (I, not the Lord)” as a personal response to the issue of homosexuality. It does not represent the church’s response or the pastors’ response in this matter.

First, let me say that generally we are all “wired” to respond either offensively or defensively. So for the issue of Adrianhomosexuality, some of us may want to take out our “machine guns” while others may be crossing their “T-s” and dotting their “I-s” in the church by-laws to make sure we are protected. In essence, both are reacting, not responding. To react is to act against, but rather we should respond in a redemptive way like the father in the parable of the prodigal son that Jesus told. In reaction, we go to passages to preach against homosexuality.

In response, we would go to passages like Luke 6:32-36 that teach that we should do more than sinners do in the area of loving others.

“If you love those who love you, what credit is that to you? Even sinners love those who love them. And if you do good to those who are good to you, what credit is that to you? Even sinners do that. And if you lend to those from whom you expect repayment, what credit is that to you? Even sinners lend to sinners, expecting to be repaid in full. But love your enemies, do good to them, and lend to them without expecting to get anything back. Then your reward will be great, and you will be children of the Most High, because he is kind to the ungrateful and wicked. Be merciful, just as your Father is merciful”.

A gay person may claim he has no choice because he is born that way. I am aware of the complexity of the issues surrounding homosexuality; and I am in no way oversimplifying them. Yet, the recent Supreme Court’s decision on same-sex marriage was an oversimplification by virtue of the fact that the “experts” in this matter are in disagreement on why someone is gay. Thus, the decision must be based more on humanitarian, social, and political grounds and often stems from personal agendas. Nevertheless, it has generated a lot of fears among religious groups and business circles as they are concerned about libel suits if they refuse to serve the gay community.


As Christians, we know the Bible teaches that homosexuality is a sin God hates, therefore I don’t need to get into it. In fact, we do not have to be philosophical or theological if we just use a little common sense.

The Revelation of Nature
Common sense revealed through nature shows that there are biological differences as well as specific reasons and purposes for each gender. Occasionally there are some deviations from the normal. Christians attribute these abnormalities to the effects of sin that affect us in every aspect of life both seen and unseen. However, such abnormalities are miniscule compared to the normal that nature reveals. Non-Christians also acknowledge such abnormalities, but attribute them to other causes. Yet, despite the inconclusive cause of homosexuality, there is a willingness to favor the minority over the majority.

Please do not discount my empathy for those who may feel trapped in a wrong body. Their feelings are certainly real. Not all good feelings are right. Legitimate ones can turn lustful and destructive. Thus, we should not be too quick to act on them without considering their consequences.

It is ironic that those demanding scientific evidences for answers are quick to dismiss nature’s revelation. Such revelation cannot be modified by casting votes or changing your views. No attempts to be all-embracing, relevant and compassionate can change this revelation. All one can do is defy the natural law by denying it. But if he steps off the top of a tall building, down he goes whether he believes in the law of gravity or not.

It is commendable that we desire to be inclusive and embrace those with opposing views.
However, when something unnatural occurs, we should not be changing our views to appease people. Nor should demand others agree with us without explaining our differing views. History shows us a change of views or a cast of votes cannot make things right. On the other hand, flawed thinking, when lived out as truth, is destructive.

Hitler’s view of Utopia is an example. He believed it must consist of superior humans with blonde hair, blue eyes and pure Arian origin. Thus, he outlawed marriage between Germans and Jews and subsequently the murder of six million Jews who were deemed imperfect. Germans with Jewish blood were also killed to stop their procreation.

Nature has its own reasons for its existence. Breaking it results in dire consequences. Nature provides the answers to what we see yet it is ignored because of man’s selfish desires and motives. Thus, any disagreement is perceived as a threat from others so we cannot have a decent conversation because of our self-absorbed and egotistic nature.

The Complications
To make matter worse, the issue of sexual orientation is fueled by the politicians, anti-religionists and even liberal theologians who argue that some of the biblical teachings are outdated and must be taken as cultural. Thus, some Christian communities even have openly accepted gay ministers in their churches.

One of the arguments advanced by their promoters is what they called “mutual commitment between two consenting adults who happen to be of the same-sex”. They say that this union is mutual and a far cry from a “one-night stand” encounter. Unfortunately, studies have shown that the gay lifestyle often leads to various social ills relating to health and moral issues. Someone said such relationship is “a friendship disorder”. Disorder requires healing, not just sympathy or acceptance as an alternative lifestyle.

The Loss of a Moral Compass
No amount of rationalization can turn an ugly truth into something beautiful. “Ugly” is deemed beautiful because our society has lost its moral compass. Without a moral compass, ethics default to feelings, desires and experiences. Truth and logic cease to be our guides as “everyone does what is right in their own eyes” like in the days of Judges.

Thus, we have a morally depraved society no different than the time of Judges; but at least back then they had some kind of absolutes. Today, relativism reigns! Furthermore, these values are abetted by those in high places who are driven by their personal interests. Our society wallows in troubles that are deeply rooted in self-gratification and blatant humanism. We claim to have advanced as a civilization but unknowingly we have lost our moral compass.


The Principle of Love
How should we respond to those with different sexual orientations or preferences? Common sense is not enough because we oftentimes appear callous and heartless. We need to practice what Jesus taught in Luke 6:33; and reach out to those with opposing views. Using the language of love, we can assure a gay person who may feel trapped that he does have a choice. He can still choose not to act out his inner desires by focusing on God instead of himself like those who after believing in Jesus entered into a heterosexual life of marriage.

Self-gratification stems from our sinful nature. Paul exhorts us in Colossians 3:5 to put to death sexual immorality, impurity, lust, evil desires and greed. For these are idolatries stemming from the worship of the self.

The Image of God
Actualizing one’s feelings or desires does not make one less human. If it does, we are in trouble because we still sin after becoming a believer. We are created in the image of God regardless of our sexual orientations. In God’s eyes, we are precious to Him. It is interesting to note that many gay persons define their humanity solely by their sexuality. Yet they are upset if others measure them with the same yardstick.

The Response
Our response must be like Jesus’: Love and not condemn them. Treat them with dignity like everyone else. This does not mean compromising our Christian principles but we are to find ways to show God’s love with goodness, kindness and gentleness; and telling them like Jesus did with the adulterous woman, “Go and sin no more”.

The Fallacy
Moral relativists like to blur the line of right and wrong. They say there is no such thing as objective truth. They say that we are intolerant in thinking we have the truth and imposing it on others. Ironically, aren’t the courts imposing same-sex-marriages? Aren’t they not poorly lacking in common sense and common decency in the way they treat those with opposing views? Aren’t they guilty of “high-handedness” – the same accusation they’ve often leveled against the Christian community?

We could just as easily launch protests or incite riots in public places. Instead let us use words gently to point out the fallacy of their decisions in light of common sense and common decency. Common sense says we do not fight fire with fire lest we feed the fire and burn ourselves. Common decency says do not to stand on a moral high ground and pass judgments on others. The decent thing God wants us to do is to be redemptive like Jesus. May God give us the wisdom to use these two common guidelines as our response in this fallen world!


I suggest these two responses for our consideration.

A) General Response
for both believers and unbelievers. The current issue of toilet usage in public schools will be used as a basis for our considerations.

Listen and Ask Questions
Instead of being offensive or defensive in our approach, we should ask questions. Let us avoid making conclusions without seeking the definition of what is meant by such facilities. Are we talking about sharing multiple stalls or a single stall toilets among all genders? If it is the latter, such toilets are already in use in small establishments and hospitals. If it is the former, isn’t it presumptuous to assume both gender would be comfortable sharing toilets? Did they bother to listen and ask these questions before making such a decision?

Don’t Impose Personal Matters
Secondly, if sexual orientations are personal choices, then we should not impose these choices or preferences on others. Instead we should have the decency to keep personal affairs private. This is especially pertinent in the realm of sexual behavior. Flaunting one’s sexual activities in public runs against the grain of common sense and common decency.

Our advice for them is that: If needed, we should talk privately to individuals like our friends or professional and spiritual counselors about our struggles. Even heterosexuals do not publicize their adulteries in public! Paul finds it offensive in Ephesians 5:12 as he said, “It is shameful even to mention what the disobedience do in secret.”

Be Gracious to Everyone
Last, let us not condemn anyone just because they hold a different view. Treat them with respect. We are all made in His own image. In God’s eyes, we are all sinners – the only difference is that we are sinners saved by grace. Thus, being gracious is not only an act of common decency but a common sense thing to do.

B) Christian Response
The second response is viewed from the perspectives of a Christian believer.

Everyone is Equal
As Christians, we must affirm that we are all equal before the law. The law endows us with inalienable rights even the mundane rights to use public toilets. As we focus on our equality before God, let us not lose sight of our equality before the law. Since sexual orientation does not define a person’ whole humanity, we should also look at the other areas and aspects of our existence as a person. We are to be careful and alert not to be easily blindsided when dealing with people who are different from us.

God Loves Everyone
Secondly, love everyone as God loves us. We must not condemn or judge others but rather, treat them as God would treat them. This does not mean affirming them or their deeds. For God still loves the Israelites in spite of their disobedience. In Luke 6:32-36, Jesus wants us to go beyond how the world loves. He says, “If you do good to those who are good to you, what credit is that to you? Even sinners do that” (Luke 6:33).

A good soccer player kicks the ball, not the players. Likewise, we are to “kick” sin, not the sinners as this is how God deals with us too. God is the only One who can decide who to “kick” if we choose to continue in sin. As for now, God has decided for us that we are to love one another and even our enemies. To dilute this command to love is disobeying God. Our Christian response is clear – love others even if they disagree or are against us.


Ronald Reagan, the 40th president of United States brought together a coalition of political ideologies that was termed as the “Reagan Revolution” by others. This is what he said about it: “They called it the Reagan revolution. Well, I’ll accept that, but for me it always seemed more like the great discovery, a discovery of our values and common sense.”

The ruling on the same-sex marriage forces us to rediscover our values and common sense. For the failure to use our common sense leads to the failure to see the obvious that leads to the inability to act with common decency.

Friendship with those with different sexual orientation is not sinful or wrong as all have sinned and fall short of the glory of God. It is also Jesus’ modus operandi while He was on earth. Friends will bless their friends. The greatest blessing we can give to our friends is Christ Himself. Let us use our common sense to act with common decency in this senseless and godless society to honor our God and draw men and women to Him!

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