
Gracious Words

Jesus is My Friend

Hi, my name is Noelle鄺永心Noelle Fong 受洗相片1 and I’m here to share my testimony and get baptized today to declare my faith and show to others, as well as fellow Christians, how Jesus has worked and changed my life. Like many people, I grew up in a church knowing about God, listening to all the Bible stories, and learning about the Gospel and Jesus from a young age. I thought of church as a secondary daycare school, and all the lessons and activities taught to me on Sundays and VBS were just stories that teach kids to be good. Because of that, I never took church seriously. I was a happy, innocent, sheltered girl who was easily swayed by people’s thoughts and opinions. I kept school and church separate. During school, I would just go on with my everyday life, and at church, I would be a diligent student learning about God. I just wanted to be liked, and I yearned for a friend or someone who would stick by my side no matter what. I went through elementary school and middle school being taken advantage of, being teased, or being with people who were with me only to benefit themselves. I would never question the way things were, and I thought it was totally normal because I was easily swayed by the world. Only when I became older, I realized that on the inside I was unhappy, unsatisfied with myself, and wondered why I was only liked for what I could do for others instead of others liking me for who I am.

鄺永心Noelle Fong 受洗相片2As I got older, I wanted to become the perfect child for my parents, the likeable and well respected friend that everyone wants to be friends with, and a good Christian that I was raised to be all at the same time. Growing up, my parents were constantly fighting with each other, so I thought if I was a good child for both of them, then they would stop fighting and the tension would be lessened. However, it just became traumatic to see that my parents would still argue after all that I did that I thought would help. I never really realized that the situation was out of my hands.

In school and church, I had many friends that I grew up with and hung out with, but those friendships never lasted or they would come and go, and some friends would just use and abandon me. I kept asking God if He was even real. What was I doing wrong that nobody really stuck with me? I asked Him if I wasn’t great and likeable enough. I became really timid and insecure about all my imperfections and wrongdoings in life. Anytime I made a mistake or something bad happened, I thought I was the one at fault. I felt left out, too young or too old, too girly or not ladylike enough, too fat and big, too naughty or too nice, and never good enough. All of these feelings took a toll on me and made me unsatisfied with what I had in my life. I started to become angry and emotional to others and took my feelings out on them so I didn’t have to deal with all those crazy emotions that were in my life. I took for granted the things I had, like a loving mother, grandmother, and aunts who took care of me and showered me with love, a father who provided for me for what I needed and is the most hardworking person I know, and a brother who cheered me up and made me laugh.

During the end of 鄺永心受洗相片3middle school and the start of high school, I started to take God seriously because I went to the CBM camp, and that started to change my life. At first, I was hesitant to go because I didn’t think it would have such a big impact on my life. When I went to CBM, I felt connected to God and got to meet other fellow people who were like me and also struggling, and it’s where I finally grasped the true understanding of the gospel. I realized I was truly struggling in my faith and in my life. My counselors for 7-8th grade (Olivia Seto and April Wong) really prayed with me during life walks when I was there, and I finally accepted Jesus as my savior who died for my sins and sacrificed Himself on the cross. He is the person who I can turn to and a constant friend who will never leave or forsake me.

I started to appreciate all that God has given me and started making new and amazing relationships with the fresh start in high school. I also became more reliant on God as well as on my church, which I started to like and enjoy going to. I started to enjoy youth group after hating and dreading it, and started doing devotions and discipleship. My faith feels strong with God even though I still deal with ups and downs and struggles sometimes. When I have doubts, I know that I can pray and rely on God to help me through any trial. I have changed and live my life knowing that I will be different from the world, whether it be my actions, my views, or how I approach things. I want to show and share my testimony to others to let them see the reason why I do these certain things, and it’s because the grace of God has shown me that He is faithful and I am never alone. One verse that always encourages me is: “Therefore, as you received Christ Jesus the Lord, so walk in Him, rooted and built up in Him and established in the faith, just as you were taught, abounding in thanksgiving.” (Colossians 2:6-7). It teaches me to stay strong with God through all the life challenges ahead and also lets me know that God is always with me. Thank you!

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