
Gracious Words


一 本雜誌常年徵稿,竭誠歡迎本教會弟兄姊妹投稿,來稿內容請參考雜誌欄目;編輯群亦會根據需要邀稿。
二 本雜誌對投稿文章有增刪潤飾權和決定是否刊登。文章內容只代表作者的立場,文責由作者自負。作者有特殊要求請事先聲明。
三 作者可使用真名或筆名。
四 本雜誌以作者之原創稿為優先;凡非原創稿或已經刊登在其他刊物上的文稿,請先聲明。
五 刊登在本雜誌之文章需要作者附上相片,如不願意刊登相片,請事先聲明。
六 因印刷版版面有限,若稿件過擠,無法將網路版文章全部放進印刷版,恩言雜誌有權篩選網路版文章做為印刷版刊登之用。
七 字數限制:英文600~1200,中文900~1800字(中英文字體號12)
八 本雜誌包括網路版和印刷版,一般網路讀者皆可經由網路媒介閱讀本雜誌所刊登的所有文章,並不限於沙加緬度恩典聖經教會。如果作者不希望作品刊登在網路版,請於投稿時提出。

Article Submission Guidelines and Policies

  • Gracious Words (GW) welcomes all articles that fit the content and scope of this magazine. If you would like to submit an article, the Table of Contents in this issue will give you an idea of topics covered. We may solicit feature write-ups or articles on specific topics from writers to complement each edition’s theme.
  • GW reserves the right to proofread, edit and publish articles. Articles containing  libel will be discarded. We will publish final edited versions after obtaining author approval of final versions. If you have specific requests regarding your article, such as that we do only minimal proofing, please let us know when you submit your article.
  • You may use your real name or a pen name for the byline.
  • Original articles that have not been published in print or electronically are preferred and will be given priority approval. If you contributed an article that has previously been published, please notify GW at time of your submission.
  • GW kindly requests a recent photo of you to accompany your article. If you decline to have your photo published, please notify GW at the time of your submission.
  • When the total page number of all articles exceeds the space in the printed magazine, GW reserves the right to publish selected articles from the online version in the printed version.
  • We request that you limit your writing to 600 – 1200 words in English, and 900 – 1800 characters in Chinese.
  • GW is published in both print and online versions. The online magazine is publicly on the Internet and is not limited to CGBC subscribers. Please notify GW at the time of your submission if you do not wish to publish your article and/or your photo online.

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