
Gracious Words

Who Is My Help?

Wai Kuen (Catherine) Wong

黃惠娟Catherine DaiIMG_0759I was born in Hong Kong. I came to US with my family when I was 18 years old. I was pretty independent ever since I was little. My family didn’t practice any religious in a serious manner, but sometimes I saw my parents exercise Chinese ancestor worship rituals. I attended a Catholic high school in Hong Kong, and I studied Bible just because I had to pass the class. I didn’t really try to understand it.

Before I believe in God, I was a self-centered and opinionated person, and believed that I could handle and deal with everything. I thought that I have a good family; my husband and my two sons love me, and my two dogs adore me. I was also pretty successful at my career. I became a manager. Every day I led and taught my staff to do their jobs, sometimes I even helped them to resolve/handle their personal problems. Why would I need anyone’s help?

However, I was wrong. Last spring, my whole life was changed–I became ill. Suddenly I felt helpless; I didn’t know what would happen in the future. I had no direction. I worried and felt sad. My very good friend Wiwik, brought me here and asked Pastor Chan, Pastor Lim, and his wife to pray for me. During the prayers, I couldn’t stop crying. I felt the love and peace given by God. Since that day, I started praying to God and coming to church to worship God, to know more about God, and to listen to His words. I started feeling the joy of having God with me. Only God could really understand my feelings, understand my needs, is willing to listen to my numerous prayers, does not abandon me, and gives me confidence.黃惠娟Catherine 1IMG_0760

This summer, Pastor Chan helped me to pray and accept Jesus as my only savior. During the past few months, the love from Jesus Christ has comforted my heart and my body, allowing me to rely on Him and have faith. Many thanks go to everyone at church especially Pastor Chan, Pastor Lim, his wife, Wiwik, Meihuei, Meiyuan, Mr. and Mrs. Yeung, and my family and friends especially Lisa and Christine from San Jose. Their care and help sustain me during the tough times.

In order to thank my Lord, I requested to be baptized to publicly announce to everyone that I have accepted Jesus Christ as my one and only savior, and to officially become a Christian. I will learn to be humble, learn and follow the laws set by God, love and care my family, treat others well, respect elders, share the Lord of Gospel with more people.

Finally, I would like to share two scriptures:

Romans 8:28: “And we know that in all things God works for the good of those who love him, who have been called according to his purpose,”

Romans 8:32: “He who did not spare his own Son, but gave him up for us all–how will he not also, along with him, graciously give us all things?”

Praise the Lord Jesus who loves us and has given us everything.

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