
Gracious Words

The Most Important Task God has Given to Parents

Gloria Lee

At one of our recent BSF ministry training, we were asked to define the phrase “sustainable sacrifice”. Do we consider our ministry as a group leader a sacrifice? And will this sacrifice be a sustainable one? The word “sacrifice” means to give up something valuable, which could be our time, our energy, or our personal enjoyment. The word “sustainable” means to be able to maintain at a certain level for an extended period of time.

I was pondering on this question the following day on my daily walk with my husband Luk while I was listening to a tape on I Peter chapter 5 for the preparation of our Sunday School class. “Be shepherds of God’s flock that is under your care, – not because you must, but because you are willing, as God wants you to be; eager to serve those entrusted to you…And when the Chief Shepherd appears, you will receive the crown of glory that will never fade away.”

gloriaAll of a sudden, His Word inspired me! What a wonderful reminder to know that God welcomes my desire to serve Him. There were moments when I felt my service was a sacrifice and not a blessing. However, God is my anchor and often points me back to His ultimate sacrifice of His Son so that I can have eternal life. Regardless of what I think I am giving up, God has rewarded me with so much more. God has blessed and provided me the opportunity to serve in BSF these past years, enabling me to grow in the knowledge of God’s Word, and being able to witness the fruit of God’s work. I do believe we are blessed through serving and shepherding others even in this lifetime.

I recently shared this lesson with my children since they have similar shepherding duties to care, to love and do it with patience for their children. As parents we are the “shepherds” to our children. In shepherding our three children with my husband, there were times when I felt I was making a great sacrifice, perhaps giving up career opportunities, more personal time with friends, or even just time to rest and recuperate from all the challenges.

While watching our children – now caring for their own children, I am reminded of some of the seemingly endless responsibilities for parents with younger children, such as feeding, bathing, waking up at night to care for them, changing diapers, potty training, playing with them, finding ways to motivate them to work and learn, teaching them to be obedient, learning good manners, reading books and Bible stories to them, beginning some academic coaching, taking care of their physical growth and spiritual growth like learning to pray to the Almighty God….etc.

During their teenage years, the sacrifices became more mentally challenging, such as teaching them self-discipline, instilling good character, guiding their spiritual, physical and emotional growth under peer pressure, and providing gradual exposure to the sinful and broken world we live in and to survive by relying on God’s guidance day by day.

An even greater challenge arose during this pandemic, as everyone is required to stay home. This training and parenting is done in isolation without other people’s help. To some parents, this is an added load on their regular duties because their infants, preschoolers, kindergarteners or regular school age children are with them 24/7 and they have to manage well with their own time schedule and their children’s time as well. This is not an easy task at all!

In looking back at this time of raising young children, for the moment I might have thought I was sacrificing a lot because I overlooked the eternal value of raising God-fearing children who love, follow and serve the Lord. This is indeed one of our greatest callings. I now realize as I see how God has been faithful to us despite my shortcomings. Surely my sacrifice was not worth mentioning when I look to all that Jesus sacrificed for us. God has called us to utilize the gifts He has bestowed to us, which include shepherding our children who He has entrusted us.

Let us set our goal striving to do our best so that when we see Him that day, we can hear God will say to us, “Well done, good and faithful servant!” (Matthew 25:21)

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