
Gracious Words

悼念陳胡元玲師母 GCAC Remembrance



編者按: 陳牧師和Linda 師母曾在東岸蓋城華人宣道會牧會超過十年。以下文章是蓋城華人宣道會弟兄姊妹分享和Linda師母同工以及相處的回憶。

AWANA  陳師母不僅是我們在主耶穌基督裡親愛的姐妹,也是蓋城華人宣道會弟兄姐妹中一個很好的榜樣。2002年初,她看到GCAC兒童事工的需要。經過安靜地禱告尋求神的心意,同年秋,她帶領了一群弟兄姐妹開始了AWANA服事。第一年就有近八十位兒童報名,其中包括了她三位可愛的孩子。



吳劉效耶 (AWANA事工)









記得2007年與陳牧師、陳師母一起去歐洲短宣,讓我深深體會並看到他們怎樣親近神。每到一處,那怕只有幾分鐘的時間,他們也會拿出聖經閱讀。陳師母手中總是拿個小筆記本,走到哪兒記到哪兒。在一個幾百人的聚會中,她聽到神讓她去與一位年輕人交談,她就去與他交談,聽到了神在那個年輕人身上的美好見證。每到一個地方,她不顧旅途的疲倦,放下行李就出去發單張,邀請人來參加聚會。從陳師母身上,我明白了我們當怎樣過地上的日子。雅各書4:8 “你們親近神,神就必親近你們。”




Gaithersburg Chinese Alliance Church (GCAC) Remembrance

gcac02Linda was a quiet and compassionate “Si Moo”. She put the needs of others ahead of her own, always sacrificially giving. We remember her for three significant contributions she made in the roughly ten years she spent with us.

AWANA Ministry: Linda had a strong burden for children’s ministry. After much prayer in seeking after God’s will, she started the GCAC AWANA Ministry. This ministry drew many kids to our church, providing opportunities for parents to hear the gospel. We will always remember her as the much loved and respected “Commander”.

Music Ministry: Linda had a passion for music, not from the artistic beauty standpoint, but from her wanting to give God the very best in worship. All of the brothers and sisters who were involved in music ministry enjoyed serving with her and were inspired by her to give their best.

Linda had a gift in song writing. Her songs were from the heart, expressing her passion for God, and often use words from the Bible. After weeping and praying with a sister who was grieving over her father’s liver cancer, Linda was moved to compose a song entitled “My Yoke is Easy” using the word from Mathew 11:28-30. This song brought our sister much comfort; it continues to comfort many who are in sorrow.

Teaching and Leading by Example: Linda established a Mandarin speaking growth group. She taught the sisters how to obey their husbands, how to obey the Lord, and how to bring up children-beginning at a tender age to put into practice daily Bible reading and devotion, and to establish a personal relationship with God.

On the Europe missions trip that Pastor and Mrs. Chan led in 2007, Linda was found reading her Bible during any free time. She also tirelessly seized each opportunity she had to tell people about the gospel.

Linda, you have now joined the worship throng in heaven. Even though we no longer have the opportunity to serve together in music ministry on earth we will have that opportunity again in heaven, and forever. You have rested from your labor, resting in the bosom of our Lord. We treasure the sweet memories of you and look forward to our reunion.

Our Beloved Pastor Chan, Wesley, Stephanie, Esther, Brother and Sister Hu, the entire congregation of GCAC send you our deepest condolence and love. May our Lord bring you the comfort that only He can give and heal your aching hearts.

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